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Solving a black box for the new generation cars

ValorConseilCalvados® in partnership with Nvidia® Corp and Microsoft® Azure® AI.
We have developed an independent black box with a volume of 225 cm³ IP67 / IP69 / IK10 powered by kinetic energy (real-time priority search for a weak signal).
A first black box for classic generation mainstream cars without on-board computer and new generation like the Telsa®.
This black box gives the user the opportunity to prove a strange event.
Already cleared for EU approval, this black box cannot currently be used for insurance, but now provides important independent information and alarms.
As for the information collected, it will remain completely anonymized and protected.

-Vehicle speed
-Braking activation
-Whether or not to wear a seat belt
-Activation of traffic lights or turn signals
-The position and inclination of the vehicle on the road
-The independent emergency system on board
-Any other relevant input parameter of on-board security systems

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How to help Ukraine

Thanks, specify in the package that it is a gift for Ukraine

If you throw them away, send them to us, we will recondition them and send them to Ukraine for free, they need them, it’s the only KARMA drone that opponents cannot hijack because the KARMA drone has a superb internal encryption design.

As for the serial numbers contained in the drone, they will be completely destroyed, the drone will remain completely anonymized.

For shipping, the reception is made at this address, no forget specify in the package that it is a gift for Ukraine, thank you:

22 Avenue des coteaux
14790 Verson France

Thank you for the donation messages and quotes to let them know how much their contribution means to you and your cause.

Assets gift for Ukraine